Healing starts here...
Jodi is a seasoned LCSW and Clinical Director for the Wellness Center of Maine (WELLCOME). Jodi specializes in EMDR therapy for first responders.
WELLCOME is a dynamic team of clinicians that have the experience, knowledge, and data driven treatment modalities serving clients throughout the state of Maine.
We specialize in the assessment and treatment of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. We are committed to client centered, solution focused treatment, and work collaboratively with other mental health and medical providers to offer the highest level of care. Utilizing up-to-date treatment modalities such as EMDR the team is able to serve the whole person with the "Care You Deserve".
Clinical Staff:
Ms. Jodi Cummings McGary - LCSW, Clinical Director
Ms. Karen Clukey Smith - LCSW
Mr. Jason Mills - LCPC-c
Ms. Cassandra Snow-Azevedo - LCPC
Ms. Tina Ingemi - Clinical Intern
Ms. Amy Dahlberg - LCSW-c
Office Staff:
Ms. Tanya Goodwin - Office Manager
Jodi McGary, LCSW
Psychotherapist / Owner